Advisory board activities of Christine Witthöft
Active as an advisory board member for many years, Christine Witthöft will also support family businesses and young technology start-ups as an advisory board member, supervisory board member and board member.

Christine Witthöft has been supporting various organizations in their long-term alignment and digital change for years, and assumes responsibility for growth issues in committee work.
In addition to voluntary advisory board work, it is particularly important to her that companies receive the right impulses for digital transformation and realignment.
Christine Witthöft is particularly interested in over-the-counter family-run corporations in the areas of industry, production and technology due to her expertise.
Thanks to the latest PWC PriceWaterhouseCoopers training courses on new legislation and compliance guidelines equipped with current specialist knowledge.
Start-up companies that have already developed a viable business model and are now setting up an advisory board or supervisory board to support the long-term strategy can actively approach Christine Witthöft for this committee activity.
"I appreciate Christine Witthöft's marketing and strategy expertise on topics such as the digital transformation of business models ...
I have known Christine Witthöft for 20 years. In the past few months, I have been able to use Christine Witthöft's expertise in the field of new digital media and have received new impulses for optimal marketing.
Christine Witthöft also uses her knowledge on a voluntary basis. As the board of the Beiersdorf sports community, we have set up and implemented its realignment. Her pragmatic and targeted manner made a significant contribution to increasing the number of members from 1,300 to 2,100 within a few years. "
Prof. Manuela Rousseau, Supervisory Board Beiersdorf AG and Maxingvest AG
"I would like to thank Christine Witthöft from the sales smithy again for her generous support with ideas and advice and action during the entire duration of the METROPOLITANER project ...
Without their support, this project Metropolitan would not have been possible. The diversity of the Hamburg metropolitan region, the creativity of people and companies has become more visible, and with it the pride in the region and a WE feeling has set in. "
Lutz Bethge, Chairman of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region Advisory Board, former CEO of Montblanc International
Supervisory Board Network Northern Germany
Christine Witthöft has been active in the network with other female members of the Supervisory Board for years. The purpose of the network is the further education regarding new compliance regulations, liability and replacement of committees as advisory board, board of directors or supervisory board. Some network members are multi-supervisory board members in DAX-listed companies. The network is very close to innovations through lectures and further training at renowned auditing companies.
Christine Witthöft is happy to put you in touch with selected members of the Supervisory Board and looks forward to an exchange and dialogue.

Voluntary work on the advisory board

The purpose of the Education Foundation is to promote upbringing and education as well as civic engagement in favor of charitable purposes by improving the conditions for the educational support and education of children and young people. It strengthens participation and diversity in education, acts independently and on its own responsibility.
“For me, education is everything and the start of a self-sufficient and contented life. The Education Foundation in particular manages to promote this nationwide through daycare and school projects. "
Christine Witthöft, Advisory Board Foundation Education
Advisory board member at the Education Foundation

The advisory board stands for cross-generational exchange in and with the economic council. The main topics include increasing the proportion of women on the Economic Council, strengthening / supporting women in business and science, as well as dual training. Other focal points are the exchange and networking through different event formats for all members and increasing the attractiveness of the Economic Council for women.
Advisory board for women entrepreneurs of the
Economic Council Germany

The regional advisory board of the Hamburger Sparkasse consists of company owners, district office managers, craftsmen, school directors, association chairmen, pastors, pharmacists and private individuals. The common goal is to promote development in the city districts, to strengthen the region and to take up suggestions. By establishing networks, the local situation is to be improved and the voluntary commitment of the citizens is to be promoted.
Regional adviser to the Hamburger Sparkasse

In dialogue with politics and administration, the company advisory board brings the interests of companies into the region and advises the regional council with economic experience and regional knowledge. The Pro Metropolitan Region Hamburg initiative aims to promote the economic, technological and social development of the metropolitan region as a common economic and living space within the boundaries defined in the state treaty.
Member of the corporate advisory board of
Hamburg metropolitan region

In dialogue with politics and administration, the company advisory board brings the interests of companies into the region and advises the regional council with economic experience and regional knowledge. The Pro Metropolitan Region Hamburg initiative aims to promote the economic, technological and social development of the metropolitan region as a common economic and living space within the boundaries defined in the state treaty.
Member of the corporate advisory board of
Hamburg metropolitan region
Christine Witthöft is looking forward to new advisory, administrative and supervisory mandates in owner-managed family companies and young technology start-ups!