Start the digital change now thanks to the state funding program "Hamburger Digitalbonus" together with UMSATZSCHMIEDE: Receive up to € 10,000 net consulting service for digital check with 50% funding.
100% digitization - 50% savings
Not from Hamburg?
What is the Hamburg digital bonus?
"Hamburg Digital" is offered in two separate program modules that build on one another. The two modules are requested separately online. In principle, it is also possible to apply for just one. The envisaged rule is, however, that companies use both modules one after the other.
Module 1: "Digital Check"
In this module, up to € 10,000 net advice with the aim of digitization implementation concepts is funded with 50% state funding. The concept must contain at least the content of the measures developed specifically for the company, the goals they are aimed at, the resources and investments required for implementation, as well as an implementation schedule.
Module 2: "Digital Invest"
The eligible investments include up to a maximum of 56,666 euros net, with a 30% funding of a maximum of 17,000 euros for hardware and software as well as expenses for external service providers that are necessary for the implementation of the measures.
The program will start on March 15, 2021 and will initially run until the end of 2022. Funding can be requested from IFB Hamburg after the funding guidelines have been published. Detailed information on the funding conditions will be available shortly at .
How do I start the program?
The program is brand new and can now be requested online. Apply for a Hamburg digital bonus of up to € 5,000 and receive a consulting service of up to € 10,000:
Important to know: Contact us before submitting an application. You are not allowed to submit an application if the measure has already started. Only measures that have not yet started are eligible. The measure is considered to have started when a legally binding order has already been placed or an order for the provision of a service has been placed (possibly also only verbally). The measure may only be started once you have received the grant notification. The notification of approval is sent digitally.
Who is eligible for the Hamburger Digitalbonus program?
Self-employed, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in trade and industry
Freelance workers such as doctors / dentists / veterinarians / auditors / tax consultants / lawyers / patent attorneys / engineers / architects / advising economists / economists / scientists / artists / writers / alternative practitioners / physiotherapists / journalists / photo reporters / interpreters / translators and other solo freelancers)
Craft businesses
Establishment in Hamburg in which the funded measure is used
<250 employees (full-time equivalents) at the level of affiliated companies
Proper business management
What are possible digitization consulting topics?
Examples of the digitization of business models, products and services:
Introduction of a comprehensive digitization strategy
Workshops and similar leading methods for digitizing a business model
Development of digital platforms: In principle, all projects to optimize a website that go beyond the introduction of standardized interaction options (e.g. contact form), e.g. the integration of automated data / information processing (e.g. chatbots) or the mapping of the whole, are eligible for funding Processes (e.g. sales)
Examples of the digitization of production, procedures and processes:
Introduction of digital sales channels (mobile e-commerce)
Digitization of the value chain such as integration of digital workflows with suppliers and customers (e-commerce / e-procurement / adaptive order management)
Digitization of internal company processes (e.g. in the areas of controlling, human resource management, materials management)
Creating the technical prerequisites for forms of (video conferencing, remote maintenance, etc.) within your company, including initializing the use of cloud technologies
What are the exclusion criteria?
The following are excluded: Companies in difficulty (according to EU definition)
Costs for optimizing a website for a pure company or product presentation
Costs for common online marketing measures (SEO, SEA, etc.)
Creation of social media channels
How is the process?
Good to know: UMSATZSCHMIEDE also offers a technical statement for digital invest projects that you have already planned through conceptually. Contact us.
Your advisor, the UMSATZSCHMIEDE Marketing & Sales Consulting
Use of intelligent digitization solutions to successfully realign your products, your online marketing and your sales.
It is not always easy to analyze and adapt your own processes and working methods in everyday business. Optimizations move your company forward, but represent an obstacle and loss of time in operational operations. UMSATZSCHMIEDE helps you not to lose focus, to make the right decisions and to implement measures that advance your company.
Based on a recording of the current state of your company, we will work together to develop a leading roadmap for the digitization of your company. We are happy to assist you with the implementation so that you benefit from the digital transformation in the long term.
As one of the authorized consulting companies in the go-digital funding program, Christine Witthöft, owner of UMSATZSCHMIEDE Marketing and Sales Consulting, supports you with the digital check of your business, marketing and sales processes. Funding of 3,000 - 5,000 € (net) is possible through module 1: HH Digital Check
Funding for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the commercial sector and the handicrafts as well as freelance workers with a permanent establishment in Hamburg and fewer than 250 employees
Promotion of advisory management for a digital implementation project
In Module I Hamburg-Digital Check, expenses for consulting services are subsidized with 50% up to a maximum funding amount of € 5,000.
In “Module II Hamburg-Digital Invest”, the expenditure for the actual investment project is subsidized with 30% up to a maximum funding amount of € 17,000.
Details on the Hamburger Digitalbonus funding program:
Subject areas:
Examples of digitization of business models, products and services:
Introduction of a comprehensive digitization strategy
Workshops and similar leading methods for digitizing a business model
Development of digital platforms: In principle, all projects to optimize a website that go beyond the introduction of standardized interaction options (e.g. contact form), e.g. the integration of automated data / information processing (e.g. chatbots) or the mapping of the whole, are eligible for funding Processes (e.g. sales)
Introduction including development of electronic trading using mobile operating devices
Projects in the field of digital applications (development of product-related and / or user control software)
Development of apps etc.
Use of (digital) standards and norms
Digital protective measures against product piracy
Examples of the digitization of production, procedures and processes:
Connection of to the ERP / MES
Networking of the Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) and, especially with the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) - "Industry 4.0"
Implementation of one including the necessary server and network structures
Introduction of digital (production) systems without media discontinuity
Integration into production control
Digitization of the value chain; Integration of digital workflows with suppliers and customers (e-commerce / e-procurement / adaptive order management)
Digitization of logistics processes (e.g. label scanners, barcode printers, goods management systems)
Digitization of internal company processes (e.g. in the areas of controlling, human resource management, materials management)
Creating the technical prerequisites for forms of (video conferencing, remote maintenance, etc.) within your company, including initializing the use of cloud technologies
Use of targeted AI applications
Use of targeted high performance computing applications
Result of our digital check consultation:
Consulting services that are funded via the Hamburg Digital Check module should end with a concrete implementation concept for the implementation of the identified measure. The concept must at least contain the content of the measure developed specifically for the company, the objectives aimed at, the resources and investments required for implementation, and an implementation schedule
Apply for the Hamburg digital bonus now:
Official information as PDF of the investment and development bank IFB can be downloaded here:
Please note that the application must be submitted by the company itself. You can only submit one application per module. However, an application can contain several measures. The authorization option available in the application does not relate to the consulting company involved, but to authorized representatives in the company.
The IFB will review your application and decide on approval.
After receiving the approval, we will then start your project.
The following are not eligible to apply:
Companies in difficulty, according to Art. 2 No. 18 GBER in the currently valid version.
Undertakings that have failed to comply with a recovery order based on an earlier Commission decision establishing the inadmissibility of aid granted by the same Member State and its incompatibility with the internal market
Which documents are required when applying for Module 1: Hamburg-Digital Check?
Filling out the application takes about 20 minutes with the documents ready:
Application form to be completed online with the following information:
Information on the applicant (name, address, communication data, identification data such as entry in the commercial register, authorized representatives, number of employees)
Details of the consulting company
Information on the project such as the content of the advice, information on financing
Offer / cost estimate for the planned consulting service of UMSATZSCHMIEDE
Copy of the register extract or copy of the business registration or proof of freelance activity in a suitable form
If necessary, power of attorney for authorization to represent (form )
SME declaration (form )
De minimis declaration ( )
ID card for the manager's app-based identity check
How is the billing done?
The grants are paid to the applicant's account after the measures have been carried out and after the proof of use has been submitted and checked. For the commissioned consulting services, all invoices are to be paid directly to the consulting company.
The proof of use must be submitted no later than three months after the end of the approval period (12 months). The proof of use must be proven by a legally binding signature on the completed IFB form for proof of use and by electronic submission of the following documents by email to IFB Hamburg:
Proof of use and payment request form - the documents required for this are made available to the applicant with the approval
Factual report - brief explanation / statement on the implemented measure by the applicant
Invoices / cost statements (copies)
Proof of payment (copies)
The digital check implementation concept must include the following points:
Description of the company-specific developed measure
Definition of the intended goals
required resources and investments
Implementation schedule
Documentation of the consideration of the essential aspects of information security and cyber security
Which requirements apply:
There is no entitlement to funding. Rather, the IFB Hamburg decides on the basis of its dutiful discretion and within the framework of the available budget. The time of receipt of the complete application documents is decisive. The funding will be spread over several tranches, so that an application can be made over a longer period of time. Only projects that have not yet started can be funded. A project is considered to have started as soon as appropriate delivery or service contracts have been concluded. The applicant is obliged to provide IFB Hamburg, the responsible authorities, the responsible audit office and authorized third parties at any time upon request with information about the circumstances relevant for the granting and retention of the grants, to submit appropriate documents and, in individual cases, to allow on-site visits. The applicant undertakes to participate in the review of the submitted identification documents. The authorization can be revoked if the commitments entered into are not met or if this guideline is violated. The subsidy is then to be repaid and the amount to be reimbursed is subject to annual interest at five percentage points above the base rate from the time the notification of approval becomes ineffective. The general tax record-keeping and declaration obligations apply.
More on the level 2 module Digital-Invest, which can take place after the digital check, but does not have to:
Module 2: Hamburg-Digital Invest:
The eligible investments for the implementation of the developed strategies and concepts include expenses for information communication technology (ICT) hardware and software as well as expenses for external service providers that are necessary for the implementation of the measures. This includes costs for the migration of previous data and the porting of software components to the new digital systems as well as the training courses required for these. For a maximum useful life of 12 months, expenses for hardware financed by hire purchase or leasing as well as expenses for licenses, maintenance, warranty and system service fees for software can also be funded if these expenses are paid in full during the project term. The expenses are to be broken down in the offer of the IT service provider over the planned period of use. Information on eligible investments and their exclusions can be found in the positive-negative list on the program overview at
Eligible services:
In principle, all projects to optimize a website that go beyond the introduction of standardized interaction options (e.g. contact form) are eligible, e.g. the integration of automated data / information processing (e.g. chatbots) or the mapping of entire processes (e.g. . Distribution)
The introduction of digital sales channels, for example an online shop, is eligible for funding in any form
Eligible costs:
ICT hardware and software expenditure
Expenses for external service providers that are necessary for the implementation of the measures
This includes costs for the migration of previous data and the porting of software components to the new digital systems as well as the training required for these
Expenses for hire-purchase or leasing hardware (maximum useful life 12 months)
Expenses for licenses, maintenance, warranty and system service fees for software, if these expenses are paid in full during the project term
Which services are NOT funded in Module 2: Hamburg-Digital Invest:
Standard hardware and software for common office equipment (e.g. PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, telephone, headset, printer, scanner, camera, smart end devices, (touch) screens, projectors and other workplace equipment)
Hardware, software and services unrelated to the project goal and corporate purpose
Used assets without a guarantee ≥12 months
Costs for the creation or optimization of a website (including social media channels) for the pure company or product presentation (i.e. without linking to the operational processes)
Costs for common online marketing measures (such as search engine optimization and advertisements (SEO / SEA), display advertising, content marketing, email marketing)
Measures that primarily serve the implementation of a legal regulation (e.g. implementation of the GDPR, acquisition of cash register systems)
Updates of existing systems, replacement investments or capacity increases without significant digitization progress
Own services and personnel costs
Services and assets provided by affiliated or otherwise economically, legally or personally interlinked companies (including all companies in which the shareholders
related persons, spouses of the shareholders or persons living with shareholders in a non-marital partnership hold shares or are in a business relationship) provided, established or acquired
Attending purely informational and trade fair events
Training on hardware and software without direct reference to the eligible projects
Fund raising, interest and recoverable sales tax
Important NOTE:
The content of all Hamburg digital bonus texts was taken from the official IFB pages and the IFB documents available to us and presented in simplified text form in order to make them more reader-friendly for you.
The IFB website, which can be reached at:, is legally binding for the Hamburg digital bonus applicant / entrepreneur
Only measures that have not yet started are eligible. A violation can have criminal consequences (subsidy fraud).
If the quota is exhausted before the end of the program period December 31, 2022, the application can no longer be considered. IFB Hamburg examines the application and determines whether it is eligible and the amount of funding.
Note on our own behalf:
We hereby expressly exclude liability for the legal basis when applying for and using state funding. The decision to apply for and use subsidized state funding rests solely with the applicant / entrepreneur. UMSATZSCHMIEDE is one of the authorized consulting companies in the go-digital funding program.
Start now: Contact us
Marketing & Sales Consultancy
Owner Christine Witthöft
Mittelweg 144
20148 Hamburg
Exemplary topics in which UMSATZSCHMIEDE accompanies you:
New product campaign landing pages
Social media campaigns that appeal to new customers
Digital sales strategies for new channels
Digitization of products and catalogs
... you decide what your digitization topic is. Contact us!
Telephone: 040 88 933 056