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Satisfied and successful customers and recommendations are my reference as a marketing consultant and sales consultant.
Here you will find a selection of references: Regional and international customers and employers. Maybe you will also soon belong to the circle of satisfied customers and recommend me, because I have generated more than the desired added value for you. Working for board members and managing directors of mid-sized companies or start-ups who look for revenue growth or marketing directors of large companies or corporations that need new marketing strategies - I'm there for you when you need me.
Memberships in professional associations

Assembly of an honorable businessman in Hamburg eV
The VEEK is an association of more than 1,000 Hamburg merchants who act honestly themselves and maintain the conditions for honest behavior in their company. The assembly concentrates on the proper conduct of commercial business and meets regularly on economic topics.
Memberships in professional associations

Health Economy Hamburg GmbH
In order to promote the health location, the GWHH networks all those who develop new products, processes and technologies to advance the health industry. Regardless of whether it is a hospital or doctor's practice, private health insurance or statutory health insurance, a health company or start-up, a comprehensive health service provider or IT specialist, company or science: they all help to improve health care and strengthen the location. Shareholder: Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, Hamburg Authority for Health and Consumer Protection

Förderverein commuNITy eV
UMSATZSCHMIEDE is a founding member of the commuNITy development association. "BE THE CHANGE" - under this motto, talents from all over the world learn to take on management tasks responsibly and sustainably at the NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management. The association orients itself on current topics such as digitization, global management and entrepreneurship in order to qualify students and managers in a practice-oriented manner.

Board member of the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration eV
The aim of the association is to promote the further development of the HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration into one of the leading private business schools. The methods used for this include, for example, expanding networking with business, international contacts and student initiatives, as well as scholarships.

eHealth network
The eHealth network would like to look at the entire value chain, from the idea through research and development to application, which includes the topic of eHealth. The network connects established and new players in the healthcare industry with the creative, IT and life science sectors and creates a place where innovative ideas can grow.

Board member of the citizens' association in front of Dammtor Pöseldorf rV
The purpose of the citizens' association is to maintain and promote the cultural, economic and communal life of the Harvestehude and Rotherbaum districts. In addition, the association wants to cultivate the idea of home and a free exchange of opinions among its members.

Board member of the Barmbeker Verein für Kultur und Arbeit eV ZINNSCHMELZE
ZINNSCHMELZE offers space for intercultural exchange with music and dance in different event formats and projects. Non-verbal communication promotes barrier-free exchange and enables high-quality interaction across language barriers. It is important to network the neighborhoods through cultural means and to create a climate of togetherness.
Social Commitment
Memberships in business associations
UMSATZSMIEDE is a signatory of the "Diversity Charter - For Diversity in the Working World"

Former economic juniors - Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
Under the motto “Act for Hamburg”, around 130 executives and entrepreneurs under the age of 40 volunteer for economic and social issues in Hamburg. Divided into five committees, the Hamburg juniors pursue in their project work the goal of engaging in entrepreneurial activity with social responsibility.

Common Purpose Germany Foundation
In the Common Purpose Matrix program, around 35 executives come together to exchange their knowledge and experience and to reflect on their management actions together. The advantage of the matrix is that experienced and active managers from a wide variety of industries come together and the diversity can be used to deal with unfamiliar situations and to gain a sense of responsibility that goes beyond one's own area of responsibility. The foundation sees its task in convincing the economy and society that the economic success of companies and the social cohesion of a society do not contradict each other, but that they are mutually dependent. Decent behavior does not only mean taking into account the legitimate expectations of society and one's own organization, but also basic ethical values and principles.

Alumni of the Hamburg Business Academy and Hamburg School of Business Administration eV
The HSBA Alumni Association is the bond that binds all former students of the HSBA and the Hamburg Business Academy to a global network. HSBA alumni exchange ideas, broaden their horizons, help each other and support their alma mater, in which the association has an eight percent stake.

The business association for the south of Hamburg
The business association for the south of Hamburg has been actively bringing together the key players from politics and business since 1947. And not only across industries, but also across national borders. The main goal is, on the one hand, to provide diverse support to the economy in the south of Hamburg and, on the other hand, to further expand and strengthen cooperation between business, politics and administration in the south of the metropolitan region.

WOMEN'S Business Lounge - WBL
WOMEN's Business Lounge is a network founded in 2010 for women from the Hamburg metropolitan region. It offers active women a platform to network and support one another. The networking evenings offer impulses on various topics and exchange and networking in a pleasant atmosphere. The 100 members of the WBL are women from a wide variety of industries and functions. This encourages active thinking outside the box.

HanseBelt eV
HanseBelt has set itself the task of anticipating developments for the region and for companies and shaping them with modern solutions. The members of HanseBelt support each other and pool their strengths so that the influence on the shaping of the economic and political framework conditions grows.

Fraunhofer Alumni
Der Fraunhofer-Alumni e.V. ist eine starke Gemeinschaft von Expertinnen und Experten aus dem Fraunhofer Netzwerk.

Wirtschaftsbeirat Bayern
Der Wirtschaftsbeirat Bayern ist ein Forum für den Dialog zwischen Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik in Bayern. Der Beirat orientiert sich an den Leitprinzipien der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft.

Gewerbe- und Tourismusverein Spiegelau e.V.
Handwerk, Handel, Gastronomie unter dem Motto „Gemeinsam mehr erreichen“.
Sporting commitment

SG Beiersdorf
Promotion of sport, especially company sport for Beiersdorf AG. Various sports are offered. The club is a member of the company sports association Hamburg eV

Sailing Club Alster eV
The Segelclub Alster eV is a small Hamburg sailing club that emerged from a long-term sailing group, which has been sailing with deep-sea yachts on the Baltic and North Sea, the Atlantic and Mediterranean as well as on the Hamburg Outer Alster with dinghies since 1984.
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